IContent of Reggaeton | Perreo |Dancing Reggaeton | Dancing Perreo

Dancing Reggaeton | Learn how to dance Perreo | Learn Reggaeton

What is Reggaeton?
The Music
Perreo dance
Reggaeton singers
History of Reggaeton
Reggaeton ABC
Learn Reggaeton
Cuban cocktails
Dancing Reggaeton



Content of Reggaeton

Here you will find a list of always recurring topics and most commonly used vocabulary in the reggaeton lyrics and music.


 •  typical Reggaeton-Jargon (cf. Reggaeton ABC)


 •  implicit Sex → 81%

 •  allusion to female body 54%

 •  "give me... " expression → 54%

 •  allusion to cheating or breakup→ 90%

 •  touching or fondling→ 63%

 •  nicknames for women→ 63%

 •  nicknames for men → 54%

 •  allusion to DJ → 27%

 •  allusion to fire→ 36%

 •  comparison of men and women with animals → 45%

 •  man with a lot of money and interested woman→ 45%

 •  women complicated or simple → 36%

 •  strip → 36%

 •  sexual violence → 45%

           Dancing Perreo

   Dancing Reggaeton

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Reggaeton in Havana

Small circle. A group of friends always hanging together. Gang, clique or crew, very common in the reggaeton scene.